Searching e-catalogue
Local catalogue of Public Library „Vuk Karadžić“
E-catalogue provides bibliographic and catalogue data on materials in library holdings. It can be publicly accessed on the Internet. The catalogue can be searched using different search techniques. After the search is finished, the user is presented with bibliographical data of the selected record as well as with information from local fund.
Library members can check availibility of library items and make a reservation via My Library service.
Detailed instruction on search techiques in local and the union catalogue is presented within Help section in local catalogue.
Union cooperative bibliographic database COBIB.SR
The COBIB.SR online bibliographic/catalogue database is the result of shared cataloguing of Serbian libraries that participate in the COBISS.SR system. It contains bibliographic records for book (monographs, serials, article) and non-book material (CDs, DVDs, etc.). It offers the option of a multimedia presentation and contains also records for performed works for the needs of bibliographies management for Serbian authors. The COBIB.SR database is of vital importance for the COBISS.SR system as it performs the central function in the shared cataloguing system and in searching for bibliographic information and information on the location and availability of material in Serbian libraries.
mCOBISS Virtual library of Serbia on mobile devices
Union cooperative bibliographic database COBIB.SR and local library catalogue can be searched on mobile devices. mCOBISS is available for several types of mobile devices. The app is available free of charge for phones and tablets that work on the Android, iOS or Windows operating system. To download it, use your mobile device to visit the and select the correct link: or download it throug Google Play Store link na:
mCobiss provides:
- search for material
- view material on loan and renew loan period
- reserve material, view and cancel reservations
- view loan history
- view debts and restrictions
- receive e-notifications
- search/view library info
- view library location on a map and receive directions to the selected library*
- view most read books
- create your list of favourite books*
- read barcodes (ISBN and ISSN)*
- save your user profile (favourite libraries and login details)*
- share information about material*